Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Usability Study

Usability Study 
October 24, 2012 
Name of site: CNN News
What is the sites purpose and message? 
It is to show news stories from all around the world.

Does the site convey a clear sense of its intended audience? Who is the intended 
audience of this site? 
It is geared towards everyone but in is a liberal news site.

Does it use language in a way that is familiar to and comfortable for its readers? 

Is the content organized in an intuitive manner?
Yes it is smile to find what you are looking for.

Is the site content appropriate for its intended audience? 
Yes for people who are looking for news it is perfect. 

Is page length appropriate to the site content? 
Yes the articles stay short so you can read it in one sitting.

Is the interface consistent throughout the site? Are all pages unified? (If so, give 
examples of how this is accomplished. If not, what suggestions can you provide to 
the site designer to create more unity throughout the interface?) 
Yes it never changes.  It keeps the same big CNN at the top of every page no matter where you are on the site.

Does the interface use a fixed or flexible layout design? 
Fixed at the top and flexible for the sides.

Do you have to scroll to view any of the content or information within the site? 
Yes some articles go past the one page mark.

Were all graphics appropriate and did they support the intended message of the site? 
(Which ones did or did not add value to the site?) 
Yes they all match the story information. 

Did it appear that all graphics were optimized for quick downloads? 
You were able to download many of the images.

Is the text of the site readable? What happens to the site layout and readability of 
the text if you change the browser settings for text size? 
Yes it all readable and changes with the size you want.

How would the page print? (Hint: Use the print preview option to view how the site 
would print – please save a tree, don’t actually print the page!!) 
It prints a printer friendly black and white version.

Is the navigation easily recognizable? Is it consistent throughout the site? 
Yes it always is at the top.

Was the navigation easily learned? Did you have any trouble navigating the site or 
understanding how to access all the information within the site? 
No it is all categorized by news type example tech news world new and justice news is all split into tabs.

Did all of the links work properly? Are the links obvious in their intent and 
Yes they are professionally done and done well haven't seen one link that led me to the wrong place. 

What suggestions do you have for improving the navigation, interface, or usability of 
the site? 
I think it is great how it is and have a great thing going. 

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