I looked at an article on the fire that broke out in a Bangladesh factory that killed over 100 people working there. I watched a video on the story and read 3 article from 3 different news sites I read about the story on BBC News, ChinaDaily, and CNN. These all had a similar story to offer. There was recently a fire in a Bangladesh clothing factory. More than 100 employes died in the fire or from jumping out windows of the factory due to the fire. The fire started on the ground floor that was used as a warehouse and quickly moved to the rest of the building trapping everyone inside. They say that the fire probably started from faulty wires in the factory. They hope that this will push for better work environments.
All of the articles were pretty close with the information given. These stories where all located on the home page of each site. BBC has the most updated death toll and a video of the story when the others don't which makes it seem more of a legit story. You can tell that the CNN article is written for everyone to be able to read. At about a 4th Grade reading level. Where BBC is a bit more vocabulary intensive same with the ChinaDaily but the ChinaDaily is translated so some of the words are a bit messed up. I knew that CNN dumbs down some of the stuff they tell people and BBC was a bit more vocabulary intensive.
Here is the links to the web articles.
CNN : http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/25/world/asia/bangladesh-factory-fire/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
BBC : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-20482273
ChinaDaily : http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2012-11/25/content_15956306.htm
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