I looked at an article on the fire that broke out in a Bangladesh factory that killed over 100 people working there. I watched a video on the story and read 3 article from 3 different news sites I read about the story on BBC News, ChinaDaily, and CNN. These all had a similar story to offer. There was recently a fire in a Bangladesh clothing factory. More than 100 employes died in the fire or from jumping out windows of the factory due to the fire. The fire started on the ground floor that was used as a warehouse and quickly moved to the rest of the building trapping everyone inside. They say that the fire probably started from faulty wires in the factory. They hope that this will push for better work environments.
All of the articles were pretty close with the information given. These stories where all located on the home page of each site. BBC has the most updated death toll and a video of the story when the others don't which makes it seem more of a legit story. You can tell that the CNN article is written for everyone to be able to read. At about a 4th Grade reading level. Where BBC is a bit more vocabulary intensive same with the ChinaDaily but the ChinaDaily is translated so some of the words are a bit messed up. I knew that CNN dumbs down some of the stuff they tell people and BBC was a bit more vocabulary intensive.
Here is the links to the web articles.
CNN : http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/25/world/asia/bangladesh-factory-fire/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
BBC : http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-20482273
ChinaDaily : http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2012-11/25/content_15956306.htm
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
3.8 Hours Without My Social Media
These past couple hours were pretty hard for me I'm always on my phone. My life is on my iPhone or Macbook not using them for 4 hour was very hard. I did not even last the entire 4 hours like my title says. During the 4 hours I hid my computer in a drawer so I was not tempted to pull it out of my pocket. I warned all my friend that I was texting that I would be away for a couple hours. I was hanging out on my floor with some guys we sat around and talked watched a movie for about 2 hours then for the next 2 hours I just found random people to talk to ate some supper and that was about it.
It was difficult I have to say I quit early. I got to the point where I couldn't take it I had to text someone update my status and all of that. It is crazy how attached to our devices we truly are! I don't know what I would do if there was no longer electricity scary just thinking of the chaos that would create. We are becoming so reliant on it, it is nuts.
It was difficult I have to say I quit early. I got to the point where I couldn't take it I had to text someone update my status and all of that. It is crazy how attached to our devices we truly are! I don't know what I would do if there was no longer electricity scary just thinking of the chaos that would create. We are becoming so reliant on it, it is nuts.
Monday, November 5, 2012
What Does A Well-Branded Digital Presence Look Like?
My first sample is from Bob Hawkinson his website was short and simple to start and then if you want to learn more about his book you can dig in deeper to the site he has.
My second sample is from Kimberlie Dykeman of Pure Soapbox It shows a lot about Kimberlie and how she is as a person one of those you will never forget.
My third sample was from Kelly Rigotti of Almost Frugal It show a good amount of info on her but it is not info that could hurt her in a job situation.
My Fourth Sample was from Kim Mance This sample is a bad example of what you shouldn't share on the internet she says she's a wiseass and uses her full name so future employers can see all the stuff she has said on her blog.
I chose Jason And Paul for my LinkedIn samples They both have a great profiles and are pretty similar in their content the included in there page.
Things that college students should have and do when they are working online and putting their stuff out there are
1. Watch what you upload once it is up on the web it never goes away.
2. Have a positive presence
3. Convey what you have to offer not what you lack
4. Be interesting.
5. Be truthful on your linkedin, facebook, or twitter so future employers can see what you are really about.
Personally I am going to work on a LinkedIn account because I do not have one just to get my resume out there and a place for future employers to see what I have to offer in a positive manor.
My second sample is from Kimberlie Dykeman of Pure Soapbox It shows a lot about Kimberlie and how she is as a person one of those you will never forget.
My third sample was from Kelly Rigotti of Almost Frugal It show a good amount of info on her but it is not info that could hurt her in a job situation.
My Fourth Sample was from Kim Mance This sample is a bad example of what you shouldn't share on the internet she says she's a wiseass and uses her full name so future employers can see all the stuff she has said on her blog.
I chose Jason And Paul for my LinkedIn samples They both have a great profiles and are pretty similar in their content the included in there page.
Things that college students should have and do when they are working online and putting their stuff out there are
1. Watch what you upload once it is up on the web it never goes away.
2. Have a positive presence
3. Convey what you have to offer not what you lack
4. Be interesting.
5. Be truthful on your linkedin, facebook, or twitter so future employers can see what you are really about.
Personally I am going to work on a LinkedIn account because I do not have one just to get my resume out there and a place for future employers to see what I have to offer in a positive manor.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Niche Project
I think my niche project would have to be my video production. I use a youtube channel and vimeo channel to get my stuff out there, to let people see what I can do for them. With that I have links in the descriptions to my facebook to get fans. I use facebook to reach out to the people that watch my videos keep them updated on what is going on and for them to share with their friends. With facebook I am also working on a website for my videos. The website will feature all of my videos that I have worked on or helped with. The website will also share what I am working on, behind the scenes, and will also feature how to videos on the effects I use in my videos.
With these social network and website things I have a gmail for the people that might want more information on if I can do a video for them. I am excited to get the website up and running before the first of the year. Have some big plans for the winter and can't wait to share it on all my web related things.
With these social network and website things I have a gmail for the people that might want more information on if I can do a video for them. I am excited to get the website up and running before the first of the year. Have some big plans for the winter and can't wait to share it on all my web related things.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Usability Study
Usability Study
October 24, 2012
Name of site: CNN News
URL: Cnn.com
What is the sites purpose and message?
It is to show news stories from all around the world.
Does the site convey a clear sense of its intended audience? Who is the intended
audience of this site?
It is geared towards everyone but in is a liberal news site.
Does it use language in a way that is familiar to and comfortable for its readers?
Is the content organized in an intuitive manner?
Yes it is smile to find what you are looking for.
Is the site content appropriate for its intended audience?
Yes for people who are looking for news it is perfect.
Is page length appropriate to the site content?
Yes the articles stay short so you can read it in one sitting.
Is the interface consistent throughout the site? Are all pages unified? (If so, give
examples of how this is accomplished. If not, what suggestions can you provide to
the site designer to create more unity throughout the interface?)
Yes it never changes. It keeps the same big CNN at the top of every page no matter where you are on the site.
Does the interface use a fixed or flexible layout design?
Fixed at the top and flexible for the sides.
Do you have to scroll to view any of the content or information within the site?
Yes some articles go past the one page mark.
Were all graphics appropriate and did they support the intended message of the site?
(Which ones did or did not add value to the site?)
Yes they all match the story information.
Did it appear that all graphics were optimized for quick downloads?
You were able to download many of the images.
Is the text of the site readable? What happens to the site layout and readability of
the text if you change the browser settings for text size?
Yes it all readable and changes with the size you want.
How would the page print? (Hint: Use the print preview option to view how the site
would print – please save a tree, don’t actually print the page!!)
It prints a printer friendly black and white version.
Is the navigation easily recognizable? Is it consistent throughout the site?
Yes it always is at the top.
Was the navigation easily learned? Did you have any trouble navigating the site or
understanding how to access all the information within the site?
No it is all categorized by news type example tech news world new and justice news is all split into tabs.
Did all of the links work properly? Are the links obvious in their intent and
Yes they are professionally done and done well haven't seen one link that led me to the wrong place.
What suggestions do you have for improving the navigation, interface, or usability of
the site?
I think it is great how it is and have a great thing going.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Youtube And Vimeo Video Reviews
YouTube Videos
My frist video can be found here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCoV539Rt2M&feature=g-high-u
this is a video by Phillip Defranco he shares news stories that matter to him. He has excellent video editing skills with pictures, HD video, and amazing audio. He knows how to cut at the perfect time and doesn't have any clips that do not need to be there.
My second video from youtub can be found here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHtvDA0W34I&feature=g-logo-xit it is on the recent Felix Baumgartner free fall jump from 24 miles up. Redbull knows how to make amazing quality videos. They have plenty of different camera angles that gives great cinematic effects especially that it is in HD. The audio lay over means no problems with audio matching up with the video. The song also goes well with the video.
The final youtube video I am going to talk about was found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oC33AqkJtg&feature=g-user-u This is one of my favorite youtubers he is a professional editor and used a phantom camera for taking video. The camera is used for super slow motion shots and cost about $30000. This makes it perfect for the video they were shooting. The video is edited to the music and makes for a crazy effect especially that it is dubstep music.
Vimeo Videos
My first Vimeo video can be found and watched here http://vimeo.com/23744121 it is from my favorite band Mumford & Sons. It is a live video of their hit song The Cave the video is in HD but it is a live audio feed to so it is a bit goofy because of how loud the speakers are.
The second vimeo video that I watched was another music video: http://vimeo.com/18923281 It is Macklemore's song Irish Celebration. It is really well done music is laid on top so it is perfect sounding and it is shoot in HD and is not shaky at all.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Skype Vs. Face To Face Podcast
Thursday, September 27, 2012
All About Skype
This is my review of the Skype application. Skype is a widely supported application that will let you talk to your friends, peers, and work partners all around the world. Essentially what you need for Skype is the program, a electronic device with a camera and your all set. You can Skype from your phone, your playstation 3 and a whole lot of other devices.
We had everyone get Skype and exchanged Skype names then we talked to one at a time really quickly if we wanted to we could pay for the 4 way chat but we didn't want to do that for this project.
I love using Skype with my friends from Germany and Brazil and using it for this project was nice because you can see facial expressions and its more interactive with the other person. It is a lot easier to talk to someone face to face instead of text, emails, or phone calls.
We had everyone get Skype and exchanged Skype names then we talked to one at a time really quickly if we wanted to we could pay for the 4 way chat but we didn't want to do that for this project.
I love using Skype with my friends from Germany and Brazil and using it for this project was nice because you can see facial expressions and its more interactive with the other person. It is a lot easier to talk to someone face to face instead of text, emails, or phone calls.
Monday, September 24, 2012
StoryCorps or Case Study 1
For class this week we needed to listen to a couple StoryCorps stories and watch a couple to learn a little about interviewing skills. I listened to the following http://storycorps.org/listen/stories/shelli-wright-and-graham-haggett/ It was about a young boys grandmother that died in 9/11 tragedy his picture was the last picture that his grandmother saw. He was only 11 months old when his grandmother died so he never really knew her. The second story I listened to was this one http://storycorps.org/listen/stories/tierra-jackson-and-john-horan/ it is about Tierra Jackson and how she was from a very low income family and was late to school some days because it was a hour and a half drive to get to school. She finally told one of her teachers the situation and the teacher didn't treat her differently after that. The third one I listened to was http://storycorps.org/listen/stories/james-ransom-and-cherie-johnson/ It was an interview about Miss Devine. James Ransom and Cherie Johnson remember their neighbor and Sunday school teacher. How she acted crazy and would never let you miss sunday school class. The next two that I watched were the animated version of the StoryCorps. The first one was called A Family Man it was about a young boys father that worked 14 hours a day. The man telling the story which would be his son described how his dad wouldn't physically discipline them it was just a look that he would give them. The second animation that I watched was called Danny & Annie The story of how they meet and their whole life together till Danny was diagnosed with terminal cancer.
All of these interviews were very easy to understand and they made sense. The video made the interview even easier to understand. The stories were very interesting in their own special way. What is needed for these interviews is the right questions and a clear idea or else the listen will get lost in the nonsense.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Photoshop Editing Project
PhotoShop Editing Project
![]() |
Original Picture Before Edits |
Cropped |
![]() |
Black And White Edit |
![]() |
Full Edit Part 3 |
Monday, September 3, 2012
Digital Foot Print Project.
My digital footprint was calculated to be 15,640 Megabytes Daily which in the sense of data that seems like a lot in one day 15.23 Gigabytes in one day? It took into consideration what I did daily taking pictures, calling people, texting people, watching videos online, etc. I watch a lot of youtube videos about world news and take a video and pictures so that added a lot to the amount I assume. It was a little difficult to figure out how many times I text a day or how much internet surfing I do so that made it challenging to figure out my digital footprint. I learned that we use more and more data everyday and that I contribute a average amount of data to the ever growing system.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Usage Of Popular Media
Between 8 am And Noon:
I checked my email 6 times.
I sent 28.5 texts half a text cause at 12 I was in the middle of a text.
I deactivated my Facebook a couple weeks ago and didn't check it at all.
I went on amazon once and the apple store once.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Blogs That Interest Me.
I read http://www.macrumors.com very often it gives insight to new products in the apple world. Something I like to keep up on. Also for mac rumors I check out http://www.appleinsider.com.
I also like http://leakjones.com it always has the best new music and an easy way to find new and upcoming artists. Another one that I enjoy is http://www.themusicninja.com which is about the same thing.
I also like http://leakjones.com it always has the best new music and an easy way to find new and upcoming artists. Another one that I enjoy is http://www.themusicninja.com which is about the same thing.
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