Saturday, March 16, 2013

Impact Of Personal Networking Devices

Consider the impact of personal networking devices, in terms of the environment.  What do you think are the biggest areas of immediate impact?  How about long term impact?

I believe that the impact is going to start to grow on the environment more and more.  As of immediate impact I believe advertisements and marketing is really going to start influencing people more and more.  This will be through personal devices instead of huge billboards everyone has a cell phone and soon everyone will have a regular smart phone.  Why would anyone have a giant sign when they can reach hundreds of others on their phones? Also now that everyone has a cell phone every two years they are getting new ones so what happens to the old ones?  The collective total is around 426,000 phones a day are thrown away in the us alone, (Thats 155,490,000 a year) according to the source below. So this going to impact the actual environment in the future. These are two different environments but they are all interconnected in the end.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Consider the following statement:  "Nothing is really secure - Get over it!"  If this is true, then what might be the consequences, given your own use of networking technologies

I believe that this is a true statement.  I think if someone wants a piece of information about you that they can find it no matter what.   This is a little scary to me given that I am growning up in the digital age.  There might be security measures in place, but with these hacking groups that are starting up like Anonymous and others. They are out to get the information that they want and will not stop till they get it.   Every bit of sensitive information that I have, I have put into some sort of internet based system from Social Security Number to my Credit card number and who knows if this info is safe with the company I applying for a job with.